coping with bereavement

How To Cope With Bereavement

September 16, 2017
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We all have to face losing a loved one at some point of our lives. No matter if the person has been sick for a long time or it’s a sudden death, losing a loved one is extremely hard. You need to know what feelings are normal in such situation so you can address them, accept them and recover quickly.

Coping with your life after the loss could be incredibly difficult. You may experience a mix of emotions, which could be overwhelming at times. Bereavement affects people in different ways and it could be devastating.

There are few stages of bereavement, which you go through in the first few months after the death of your loved one:

Stage 1 – Shock and numbness

This is usually what we feel after the person has died. The first reaction to the death is entering in a surreal daze. You do things automatically – like arranging everything around the funeral, informing family and friends, continuing with your normal family life and work. There is an unconscious protective barrier, which numbs your emotions to a stage where you can do your duties around the funeral without losing the ground under your feet. It may feel like a denial, you may even pretend that nothing has happened, and act as this is something normal that you need to take care of.

Of course some people may feel exactly the opposite and break down completely, not being able to think, act or behave normally. It is important that you ask for extra support and help to overcome the initial shock of losing a loved one if you feel you can’t cope on your own.

Stage 2 – Facing the reality

All the preparation around the funeral keep you busy and occupied so you don’t have much time to think about the new reality. Usually it’s at the funeral when you realise that it’s all over and the person is gone. This is the time when you need to take off your protective armour, be brave to face the reality and take the responsibility to continue your life in the new circumstances. It’s hard to admit it and it’s even harder to accept it. You have no other choice but to put yourself together and adjust your life to the new reality. It doesn’t mean that the person will be forgotten or you will no longer be sad. It only means that you accept the loss with loving gratitude that this person has been part of your life for the past years and you make a commitment to carry the memory of them in your heart for the rest of your live.

Stage 3 – Moving on with your life

In the first few weeks after your loved one has died you may experience a mix of emotions – from sadness and crying, to anger, guilt or depression. You may feel tired and exhausted, not being able to concentrate or becoming forgetful. This is all normal and its part of the grieving process. There will be more and more days when you will feel life is back to normal, but also there will be shaking waves of pain from time to time, which may take you off your feet. It’s important that you allow yourself to experience these emotions in full. Do not supress them or try to avoid them. When you feel you get too sad and think too much about the person who had passed away, just let yourself feel the full intensity of the emotion. This will help your suppressed feelings surface and this is the way to let go of the sadness gradually.

Using an aura spray to overcome the pain is a very good way to change your vibration and overcome the grief easily.

It may take a while before you are able to go back to your normal life without feeling grief or being constantly attached to the past. The bereavement process can take from 4 weeks up to 6 months and you need to remember that there will soon come the time when these feelings will be less intense. Taking one day at a time is the right approach in this situation as well as doing things that will help you overcoming the pain. Acceptance of the new situation takes time, but this is the only way of moving on with your life.

There are number of things you can use to overcome the grieving process with ease:

  • Relying on family and friends – try to surround yourself with friends and family who can support you and cheer you up
  • Express your emotions – allow yourself to talk about the internal pain and what you really feel
  • Exercise – being active increases your energy levels and helps with depression and anxiety
  • Socializing – social contacts helps you feel better
  • Hobbies and interests – find something that you love doing or you have enjoyed doing in the past
  • Time for yourself – allow yourself time to relax and unwind
  • Routine – consistent routine helps you structure your life
  • Healthy eating – food can have a significant impact on your mood, sleep and physical health


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